About us

MissKON.com was born in 2015, is a website to share interesting things, good stories and especially to upload beautiful pictures, high quality desktop wallpapers completely free of charge! Here are some important things you need to keep in mind when visiting MissKON.com!

MissKON.com is the only domain name address, all other websites or keywords, usernames on other websites are not MissKON.com, please do not misunderstand!
– The content on MissKON.com including photos, videos are collected from many free sources on the internet, we also do not own the content!
– Downloading content from MissKON.com is completely free, we do not collect fees from any users!
– If you cannot view photos or videos on MissKON.com, please change your device DNS, recommend using Google DNS or OpenDNS

If you have any further questions or requests, please email [email protected] or [email protected]!

Best regards!